Gene was raised in a modest but proudly ethnic family. His desire came true when he signed with the Chicago Cubs as a promising pitcher after putting in a lot of effort and graduating from college, but an unforeseen injury tormented him. The beginning of Gene's "takeaways," or setbacks, and how they serve as stepping stones for success or comebacks in the future. Join the author on his journey as he discusses his experiences as a single father, an entrepreneur, a married man, and a divorcee. The author experiences tragedy when his youngest son dies from a drug overdose, yet this newfound peace and faith will move you. His fortitude and tenacity will revitalize you and improve your outlook on life.
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Inspired by decorated personalities throughout the annals of history, Believing is Possible is a book about how to an individual’s struggle can turn into success and how that success ripples through the world to create a revolution—a revolution of society, of the arts, of business, and of the mind.

Writing this book is based on my life experiences and many others whose lives I have read about and studied. Many were perceived as unlucky, failures, ignorant, unruly, impoverished, and uneducated. I then realized the "seed of the equivalent" that led me to this awakening of compassion and lessening selfishness. The author wrote the book to tell the stories of people whose lives he has studied and read from authors and auto-biographies. This book is a quest for telling you the meaning of what the author has learned and experienced. It will ignore your spirit of potential and how you can make a difference in this world we live in.

My name is Dan Nahirny and I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed GeneNalbandian’s new book Believing is Possible. What an incredibly positive and uplifting read.To learn that some of our most successful people have come from humble beginnings to be become titans in their field is truly inspirational. Gene wasable to get across to the reader ,that you can become anything in life with hard work, desire, inspiration and dedication!!! I would recommend this book to anyonewho wants the inside story of Histories great achievers!!!! Gene this is a fantastic book!!!Thx again Dan Nahirny.
BELIEVING IS POSSIBLE” was an impressive read to me. I enjoy biographies and learning about individuals, their successes, wins and unfortunately sometimes their failures and struggles. Gene emphasizes to also believe in yourself.
Believing is Possible is a convincing book that successfully drives home the concepts of optimism, belief in one’s own potential and capabilities, and the commitment to never give up! His focus on overcoming obstacles and setbacks and moving beyond self-doubt, through persistence, has won me over to his conclusion that trust in oneself leads to success and even greatness!
This book is worth a read. The author did a great job. Impressed. Great quality of words.